Minicastle changelog

What's New - July 2024

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This month includes big changes to Inventory and Projects, along with smaller details and cleanup.

Advanced Inventory

Many of you have mentioned that you'd like to use Minicastle to better manage paints, tools, equipment, and more. Now you can! New updates to the Inventory tool include:

  • Track items based on where/how you use them

    • For example: Which paint did I use in a particular room? Where is it actually being stored in case I need to do touch-ups?)

  • Attach photos so you know what you're looking for

  • Include more detail for model/serial numbers, purchase dates, brands, etc.

  • Track quantities, units, and costs

  • Attach links to save receipts, manuals, how-to videos, and more

Better Projects

Projects help you easily organize issues and enjoy your progress as you complete them. Now you can also:

  • See the total time and $$ you've invested into any given project

  • See an at-a-glance view of the issue count and overall status

  • Add new or existing issues directly to the project (using the "..." menu)

Other Improvements

  • Colors should be sharper and easier to read

  • Fewer bugs on sign-in and saving

  • Better search and sorting options

  • More docs and best practices